Mesa College Student Services Center
San Diego, California
The building form responds to the context as both “Mesa”, a form to be occupied and “Canyon” a space to travel through.
San Diego is a city of Canyons and Mesas. We considered the building as both ‘Mesa’, a form to be occupied, and ’Canyon’, a space to travel through. The canyon like interior extends at every floor to the existing hillside, while open stairs traverse up the sides of the space like switchback trails, providing a variety of places for students to hang out.
- USGBC-LEED Gold Certification
- 2013 Orchid Award-San Diego Architectural Foundation Orchids and Onions Program
- 2014 Award of Merit-American Society of Landscape Architects
The building form responds to the context as both “Mesa”, a form to be occupied and “Canyon” a space to travel through.
San Diego is a city of Canyons and Mesas. We considered the building as both ‘Mesa’, a form to be occupied, and ’Canyon’, a space to travel through. The canyon like interior extends at every floor to the existing hillside, while open stairs traverse up the sides of the space like switchback trails, providing a variety of places for students to hang out.
- USGBC-LEED Gold Certification
- 2013 Orchid Award-San Diego Architectural Foundation Orchids and Onions Program
- 2014 Award of Merit-American Society of Landscape Architects